Social network sites and brand consumption
Who is conducting the research?
Miss Lorien Latimer
Supervised by:
Dr Sharon Schembri
Department of Marketing Griffith Business School, QLD 4222
Contact Phone: (07) 5552 8081 or 5552 8713
Why is the research being conducted?
Social network sites and brand consumption is a new area of research. This study aims to better understand online consumer activity as related to brand consumption.
What you will be asked to do?
As a participant of this study you will be a registered and active forum member. The primary researcher, Lorien Latimer will also be a registered and active forum member. You may at times interact with Lorien online.
Your confidentiality
To ensure confidentiality, all collected data will be de-identified in any publication resulting from this research. All data collected will be de-identified and kept in a secure place.
Your participation is voluntary
You are free to choose if you want to participate in this study and you are free to withdraw from at any time without comment or penalty. If you would not like your contributions used for this research project please leave your email address in the comments section below and confirmation of your non-participation will be sent to you.
Questions / further information
You are welcome to contact the research supervisor, Dr Sharon Schembri on (07) 5552 8081 with any further questions in relation to the research. An executive summary of the results of this research will be available both on this blog and/or by email request to from July 2010.
The ethical conduct of this research
Griffith University conducts research in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans. If you have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of the research project you should contact the Manager, Research Ethics on 3735 5585 or .
Feedback to you
You are welcome to request a summary of the results of this study via email from after July 2010. To ensure your anonymity, all personal information will be kept separate from the data in this summary.
Privacy Statement
The conduct of this research involves the collection, access and / or use of your identified personal information. The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. A de-identified copy of this data may be used for other research purposes. However, your anonymity will at all times be safeguarded. For further information consult the University’s Privacy Plan at or telephone (07) 3735 5585.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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